Saturday, 2 January 2016

As money costs will decrease due to decision to outsource human resource, some real costs and opportunity costs may surface. What could these be.doc


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

Managerial Economics      

1.         What is the objective of Dabur? Is it profit maximization or growth maximization? Discuss.

2.         Do you think the growth of Dabur from a small pharmacy to a large multinational company is an indicator of the advantages of joint stock company against proprietorship form? Elaborate.   

1.         Try to identify various stages of growth of IT industry on basis of information given in the case and present a scenario for the future.

2.         Study the table given. Apply trend projection method on the figures and comment on the trend.

3.         Compute a 3 year moving average forecast for the years 1997-98 through 2003-04.          

1.         As money costs will decrease due to decision to outsource human resource, some real costs and opportunity costs may surface. What could these be?

2.         Elaborate the external and internal economies of scale as occurring to Contract Counsel.

3.         Can you see some possibility of economies of scope from the information given in the case? Discuss.    
1.         Is stock market a good example of perfect competition? Discuss.

2.         Identify the characteristics of perfect competition in the stock market setting.

3.         Can you find some basic aspect of perfect competition which is essentially absent in stock market?  
1.         What major pricing strategies have been discussed in the case? How effective these strategies have been in ensuring success of the company?

2.         Is perceived value pricing the dominant strategy of major players?

3.         Which products have reached maturity stage in audio industry? Do you think that product bundling can be effectively used for promoting sale of these products?              

Managerial Economics   

1.         Is stock market a good example of perfect competition? Discuss.

2.         Identify the characteristics of perfect competition in the stock market setting.

3.  Can you find some basic aspect of perfect competition which is essentially absent in stock market?

1.         What major pricing strategies have been discussed in the case? How effective these strategies have been in ensuring success of the company?

2.         Is perceived value pricing the dominant strategy of major players?

3.         Which products have reached maturity stage in audio industry? Do you think that product bundling can be effectively used for promoting sale of these products?

1.         Identify the most important factors of production in case of automobile industry. Also attempt to explain the relative significance of each of these factors.

2.         What more information would you like to obtain in order to draw a production function for Maruti Udyog? Explain with logic.

3.         Automobile industry is a good example of capital augmenting technical progress. Discuss.

1.         Which factors, according to you, are prompting organizations to adopt a package instead of traditional salary?

2.         Do you think package compensation is more suitable in modern globalised business? Can you draw some lessons from marginal productivity theory?

3.         Do you think that the case supports the efficiency wage theory or bargaining theory? Give arguments in support of your logic.


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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