Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Based on the case information and your personal experiences list at least five things you know about Starbucks. This list offers you some idea about your cognitions.doc


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

1. What’s up with our fascination with bigness ?  Is this a uniquely American preference ?  Do you believe that “bigger’s better ?”  Is this a sound marketing strategy ? 

2. What’s your take on this issue ?  How do you react when one of your favorite songs turns up in a commercial ?  Is this use of nostalgia an effective way to market a product ?  Why or why not ?

3. Perhaps the appropriate question is not does sex sell, but should sex sell ?  What are your feelings about the blatant use of sex to sell products ? Do you think this tactic works better when selling to men than to women ?  Does exposure to unbelievably attractive men and women models only make the rest of us “normal” folks unhappy and insecure ? Under what conditions (if any) should sex be used as a marketing strategy  ? 

4. How was your experience – how helpful was this mannequin ?  When you shop for clothes online, would you rather see how they look on a body with dimensions the same as yours, or on a different body ?  What advice can give Web site designers who are trying to personalize theses shopping environments by creating life – like models to guide you through the site ?

1.         Based on the case information and your personal experiences, list at least five things you know about Starbucks. This list offers you some idea about your cognitions concerning the coffee shop chain.

2.         List at least things you like or dislike about Starbucks. This list gives you some idea of your affect for the coffee shops.

3.         List at least five behaviors involved in buying a gourmet coffee drink from Starbucks. This list gives you an idea of the behaviors involved in a coffee purchase.

1.         What affective responses do you think the Barnes & Noble environment creates? How might consumers’ cognitive systems interpret these responses? From a marketing perspective, which is more important to Barnes & Noble—affect or cognition?

2.         Rob goes to Barnes & Noble location to hang out and meet people. Lisa goes only when she wants to purchase a specific book or CD. Describe how their integration processes might convince them to choose Barnes & Noble over the myriad other options they have.

3.         Many of the activities that take place at Barnes & Noble stores (or at do not require a purchase. Participating in discussion groups and going to in-store performances are free. And obviously it doesn’t cost anything to simply go in, sit in a chair, and read a book. So why do people buy? How do these free activities (behaviors) influence consumers’ affect and cognition?

1.         What role do you think modeling could have played in the diffusion of this innovation?

2.         How could you use modeling to teach a friend how to use Rollerblades?

3.         If you were designing a commercial for Rollerblades to be used for an in-store videotape demonstration, how would you design the commercial to take advantage of your knowledge of modeling?

1.         Visit the Saturn website and try to determine the market segments the carmaker is targeting. What should Saturn do to better serve those segments? How might Saturn tailor its offerings to address the different stages of the family life cycle?

2.         Other vehicles—such as Porsches, Mustangs, and Harley-Davidson motorcycles—also have “cult” followings. But these products also have very strong symbolic meanings associated with them. The Saturn is a solid and reliable, but basically unspectacular, car. Identify and discuss three reasons that you think Saturn has such a devoted following of involved customers.

3.         An automobile is a high-involvement purchase. Discuss how the manufacturer of a lower-cost, lower-involvement product could generate greater personal relevance and long-term loyalty. Find and discuss an example of a company that has done so.

1.         What kind of consumer owns a Harley?

2.         What accounts for Harley owners’ satisfaction and brand loyalty?

3.         What role do you think the Harley Owner Group plays in the success of the company?


ARAVIND - 09901366442 – 09902787224

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